Page name: Giffie-Pet Staff [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-04-21 13:53:38
Last author: Stephen
Owner: Bookwyrm
# of watchers: 22
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Here are the talented and trained staff who dedicate their time to taking care of pets,
answering questions not covered on owning a giffie-pet, genetically engineering new pets
and even sometimes find themselves cleaning up the little "accidents" made by the pets.

Giffie-Pet Staff Board Room, for Giffie-Pet Staff members only.


(Badge Credits)

Giffie-Pet Boss
Malevolent [Stephen]: The Owner and Overseer of the Giffie Store and all related pages. He appoints new staff, retires old staff, and gives out duties to current staff to fulfill.

Giffie-Pet Staff
Mischievous [WonderTweek], a Giffie-Artist
Roaring [kittykittykitty], the Giffie-Assistant
Mischievous [Deg], who wrote our poem (Honorary Member, don't ask her questions please)



[Anvikit] came up with the idea for the Giffie-Pets, and created many original pets.
[Big Brother] took place as head of the Pet Store once [Anvikit] retired.
[Bookwyrm] was the next person in charge, once [Big Brother] handed leadership to her.
[Stephen] took over for [Bookwyrm] when she retired.
[Bookwyrm] stole the store back from [Stephen].
[Stephen] once again took over the store, upon [Bookwyrm]'s retirement.
The Giffie Artists have created the pets.
Also, thank you to the retired Giffie-Pet Staff who have all helped in the past.

Giffie-Pet StoreGiffie-Pet PoundUnique Giffie-PetsOwning A Giffie-PetGiffie-Pet StaffGiffie Help

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2005-03-03 [fuck you all]: hiya looking for help?

2005-03-04 [MechanicalAngel]: i'll help!!

2005-03-04 [Big Brother]: i wanna help!!!! ^_^

2005-03-04 [Anvikit]: oh hush you :P lol

2005-03-04 [Big Brother]: yes sir *hangs head in shame*

2005-03-06 [Love Is Just A Catchphrase]: I can help with the watching the page and answer people's questions and comments, but it seems that you don't need help with that. If you ever do, just let me know.

2005-03-09 [Sabrina Catherine]: I came, hoping to help the giffie pets in inconsolable need, but alas, I have not the requirments needed for the care of these magnificent creatures that have been created.

2005-03-10 [mega24]: i need 2 no how u get a pet

2005-03-10 [spiritee]: read Owning a giffie-pet

2005-03-11 [ShadowSong]: YEAH... WHOOOO... [Anvikit] ROXS... BESTEST BOSS EVER... YEAH

2005-03-18 [RainCloud]: [Anvikit], u have to do everything!! u rock

2005-03-18 [Anvikit]: =@_@=

2005-03-24 [miss red-head]: i want a pet can i have one

2005-03-24 [FireGypsy]: read owning a giffie-pet

2005-03-27 [Morfeaohtarawen]: i'll help

2005-03-29 [*_*]: hello

2005-03-30 [Morfeaohtarawen]: can I help moniter?

2005-04-03 [Jane Senero]: i would like to help, may i?

2005-04-03 [Jane Senero]: I would like to help, may I?

2005-04-07 [miftail]: i would love to help. i don't mind doing anything

2005-04-09 [sis_2005]: i feel sorry for [Anvikit] because your all ACTING foolish!!!!!

2005-04-09 [PyroBuggy]: O_O

2005-04-10 [jason54452]: how do i get the guard badge to be delivery?

2005-04-10 [Big Brother]: you can't ask, it will be given if we deem you worthy, that job is resurved to ppl. that have the rank already

2005-04-10 [PyroBuggy]: this is a really random wiki to ask that in...

2005-04-10 [Big Brother]: not really.

2005-04-11 [PyroBuggy]: *rereads*mmm... ok, i misunderstood Xp *comits sopuku*

2005-04-25 [Larova]: PETSES. NOW.

2005-04-25 [PyroBuggy]: sh anthony. we get enough anoying people who arn't jokeing -.-

2005-05-01 [Larova]: *puppy eyes*

2005-05-08 [PyroBuggy]: if you show me how i'll help you deliver [Big Brother]

2005-05-08 [Morfeaohtarawen]: so will i

2005-05-08 [Larova]: Delivers the petses. To me. I owns them all.

2005-05-08 [FireGypsy]: [Larova]You need to cut the shit. You dont own any of the pets. Please dont mention it again. You arent even part of the pet staff. So you shouldnt be commenting here in the first place. You are causing trouble lately, stealing the giffie-pet images and putting them on other site, and just plain pissing people off. Im warning you now. Cut the shit and leave the giffie-pet everything alone. And stop commenting!

2005-05-08 [Larova]: Oh, but I owns them all. *Wins*

2005-05-08 [Big Brother]: [PyroBuggy]: you can't deliver without guard rights

2005-05-08 [Not Larova]: Then give him guard rights!

2005-05-08 [Big Brother]: you give him guard rights

2005-05-08 [Not Larova]: Well, in order to do that, I'm gonna have to get higher mastery of L0phtcrack.

2005-05-08 [Big Brother]: huh?

2005-05-08 [Not Larova]: Oh, nothing. ^_^

2005-05-08 [Big Brother]: in that case....yes

2005-05-08 [Not Larova]: Ooh, that means once I enact my plan, I get to tell everyone you gave me permission!

2005-05-08 [Big Brother]: the thing is i have no idea what you are talking about

2005-05-08 [Not Larova]: Yeah, that's the way I like it.

2005-05-08 [FireGypsy]: Great, now [Larova] has two houses!!!!! *bangs head on keyboard*

2005-05-08 [Big Brother]: don't hurt yourself!!!

2005-05-08 [FireGypsy]: He's driving me crazy!!!!!! *slams face on desk*

2005-05-08 [Big Brother]: ya but blood wouldn't look good on your beautiful face!!!

2005-05-08 [FireGypsy]: eh, maybe your right. But he's still driving me crazy!

2005-05-08 [Big Brother]: lol, then hit him and not yourself

2005-05-08 [FireGypsy]: *takes keyboard and wacks [Larova] over the head repeatedly* *the little keys start flying everywhere*

2005-05-08 [Big Brother]: now wasn't that better??

2005-05-08 [FireGypsy]: Yus! *continues to hit [Larova]*

2005-05-08 [Big Brother]: .......don't kill him though

2005-05-08 [FireGypsy]: *grins*

2005-05-08 [FireGypsy]: Hey [Big Brother], if you need another deliverer badly, ill be glad to help, its not like i have a life or anything lol. But i dont have a guard badge though, thats why i said if you need one badly. *shrugs*

2005-05-08 [Big Brother]: i just got a new guy sent to me by sunny *points to page* but i can't give those rights, sunny is the one you have to ask bout that but i don't think you will get far we just got 4 new guards in training today

2005-05-09 [Not Larova]: Actually, I have six, [FireGypsy].

2005-05-09 [Big Brother]: ya....that's true, i just checked.....actually there are 9 accounts that have loged on from his current computer

2005-05-09 [Not Larova]: Key word is "Current."

2005-05-09 [Big Brother]: ya, but you failed to place that singe word in your previous post

2005-05-09 [FireGypsy]: *throws keyboards at [Larova] and all his other clones* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-05-09 [Ihsahn]: I can help in delivering giffie pets :)

2005-05-09 [Big Brother]: could you now? i just trained one of the other noob-guards....but if you start watching and helping and know all the pages i may end up teaching you in the next pet run......cut down the wait time even more

2005-05-09 [Ihsahn]: I will watch :)

2005-05-09 [Big Brother]: make sure to read ALL the pages and know your way around so you can answer questions if you feel so inclined

2005-05-09 [Ihsahn]: ok I am doing so

2005-05-09 [RainCloud]: I would like to be a deliverer, please.

2005-05-09 [Big Brother]: and i would like to take you on but yout privs is 101 and you need 14 or less to deliver, sorry

2005-05-09 [Ihsahn]: you can't your priv leval is 101

2005-05-09 [RainCloud]: Oh. okay. Would this be the wrong place to ask how to change that?

2005-05-09 [Ihsahn]: yes

2005-05-09 [Big Brother]: you can ask.......if you private message me i will be more than willing to answer all questions you may have

2005-05-09 [RainCloud]: okay. thank you.

2005-05-09 [Big Brother]: np

2005-05-09 [Stephen]: Hmmm... Am I still a trainee?

2005-05-09 [Big Brother]: ya, you don't have your badge yet

2005-05-09 [Stephen]: Oh, okay ^_^ How long will I stay a trainee for?

2005-05-09 [Big Brother]: sunrose does badges, not me. when you are a guard you will not be a trainee

2005-05-09 [Stephen]: lol, okay

2005-05-09 [Ihsahn]: am I going to be added as a trainee yet?

2005-05-09 [Big Brother]: oh right!! lol, thanx for the reminder

2005-05-09 [Ihsahn]: hehehe silly

2005-05-10 [ShadowSong]: [Big Brother].. sorry to be dumb... but what privs level am i at?

2005-05-10 [Big Brother]: [ShadowSong], your are at 90

2005-05-10 [Stephen]: Battlefield has one less priv then I do... *cries*

2005-05-10 [Big Brother]: cause i need it for keeping wiki's all nice, specially to keep the page versions down in all the pet pages, and i'm a guard captain now

2005-05-10 [Ihsahn]: yay battle!!!!!!!! protect moi!

2005-05-10 [Big Brother]: *raises eyebrow* protect? lol, your on yout own

2005-05-10 [Ihsahn]: damnit lol

2005-05-10 [Big Brother]: you look like you can handle yourself anyhow

2005-05-10 [Ihsahn]: yes, but I don't have the mean bald demeanor that you do :(

2005-05-10 [Stephen]: lol!

2005-05-10 [Ihsahn]: *hides from [Big Brother]*

2005-05-10 [Big Brother]: shave your head, that will fix everything

2005-05-10 [Ihsahn]: nu!!!!!!!!!!

2005-05-10 [Stephen]: LOL!!!

2005-05-10 [Big Brother]: what? you like hair????

2005-05-10 [Ihsahn]: yes I do

2005-05-10 [Big Brother]: HIPPY!!!!!!!! lol

2005-05-10 [Big Brother]: but then again hippy hair in my eyes is long enough to see without a mirror

2005-05-10 [Ihsahn]: o come on always after the hippy

2005-05-10 [Big Brother]: not always, just most of the time

2005-05-10 [Ihsahn]: o.O

2005-05-10 [Big Brother]: hey, ppl. say i look like a nazi so i can call you hippy!!!!

2005-05-10 [FireGypsy]: Hey Hippies are kewle!!!!!

2005-05-10 [Ihsahn]: damnit >.<

2005-05-10 [Big Brother]: never said hippy's are't cool.....just that he has hippy hair :P

2005-05-10 [FireGypsy]: lol i know

2005-05-10 [Big Brother]: do you? do you really?

2005-05-10 [Ihsahn]: really you think?

2005-05-10 [Big Brother]: ....i think we left her speachless..........

2005-05-10 [FireGypsy]: really i think! do you think, if you think an unthought is the thought you thunked really thinked?

2005-05-10 [Ihsahn]: hmmmmmm *pokes her*

2005-05-10 [Ihsahn]: are you positive about your thinking a 100%

2005-05-10 [Big Brother]: i think i'm in love!!!!!!!

2005-05-10 [FireGypsy]: *twitches and pokes you back*

2005-05-10 [Ihsahn]: are you a 100% sure?

2005-05-10 [FireGypsy]: yus! im a 34769438764019376% sure!

2005-05-10 [Ihsahn]: i think your lying

2005-05-10 [Big Brother]: that's a big decimal.....but you forgot the dot after the 3

2005-05-10 [FireGypsy]: lol funny [Big Brother], very funny!

2005-05-10 [Big Brother]: really, i thought it wasn't

2005-05-10 [Ihsahn]: shes bluffing

2005-05-10 [FireGypsy]: *grins and tackles [Big Brother]*

2005-05-10 [Ihsahn]: poor [Big Brother]

2005-05-10 [Big Brother]: poor me? i kinda enjoyed that *sly grin*

2005-05-10 [Ihsahn]: hehehehe

2005-05-10 [FireGypsy]: *gets off of [Big Brother] with an innocent look on her face*

2005-05-10 [Ihsahn]: hmmmmmmmm *pokes her again*

2005-05-10 [Big Brother]: lol, i think she is shy.....i may have to change that

2005-05-10 [FireGypsy]: *grabs her side* No poking the [FireGypsy]!*

2005-05-10 [Ihsahn]: hmmmmmmmm perhaps so, she has funny tendencies hmmmmmm *chases [FireGypsy]*

2005-05-10 [FireGypsy]: *runs in circles*

2005-05-10 [Big Brother]: *turns to [Ihsahn]* she's a mean one.....

2005-05-10 [FireGypsy]: Me? Mean? Nah!

2005-05-10 [Ihsahn]: yes she is a mean one

2005-05-10 [FireGypsy]: *pouts*

2005-05-10 [Ihsahn]: o come on [FireGypsy] be happy

2005-05-10 [Big Brother]: no, she looks kinda sexy pouting

2005-05-10 [FireGypsy]: *smirks*

2005-05-10 [Ihsahn]: i bet so

2005-05-10 [Big Brother]: *adds [FireGypsy] to a list then replaces the list into his safe*

2005-05-10 [FireGypsy]: *looks confused*

2005-05-10 [Ihsahn]: the list!!!!!

2005-05-10 [Big Brother]: yup (=^_^=)

2005-05-10 [FireGypsy]: *is still dead*

2005-05-10 [Ihsahn]: yeah

2005-05-21 [catey anne!!!!!!]: hey thanx for my pet hammies they 're awsome

2005-05-21 [Ihsahn]: no problem :)

2005-05-21 [PyroBuggy]: <img:> i heard we need a pet staff badge.. wadda you guys think?

2005-05-21 [Stephen]: I like it! ^__^

2005-05-22 [FireGypsy]: lol its cute =D

2005-05-24 [Big Brother]: i need an artist to make me some stuff for my Stories, on the info is on the wiki...

2005-05-25 [MarieFair]: that is a cute badge...

2005-05-28 [Yummy girl]: hey i was wonderineg if u guys carry white rats cuz if u do that would be awsomw

2005-05-28 [Big Brother]: i told you, i don't wanna eat the chipmunk!!!!

2005-05-28 [PyroBuggy]: we can make some for next time we stock up...

2005-05-28 [Big Brother]: BUT THINK OF THE CHIPMUNKS!!!!

2005-05-28 [PyroBuggy]: O_O... im scanning some scetches of you and your friendly peoples from the story... *is trying to change the topic* they arn't the final ones but i just want to reasure you that i havn't forgotten.... i like chipmunks....

2005-05-28 [Big Brother]: sweet, sounds awsome ^_^ thank, specially for keeping in mind the chipmunks

2005-05-28 [PyroBuggy]: what can i say? i like chipmunks...

2005-06-03 [Ihsahn]: I am no longer a trainee, I got the guard badge =p

2005-06-04 [Stephen]: I swear... this is at least the third time I have saw that in the last hour...

2005-06-04 [Ihsahn]: meaning I need to be promoted on their

2005-06-04 [PyroBuggy]: thats not in our hands :?

2005-06-04 [Stephen]: Ask [Big Brother] through PM, to see if he will.

2005-06-04 [PyroBuggy]: [Anvikit] hasn't bean on in almost 40 days @_@

2005-06-04 [Stephen]: Sunny told me that [Big Brother] is in charge now.

2005-06-11 [Dwemer]: [Big Brother] Are you looking for more workers on this page, if so. Just tell me.

2005-06-11 [Stephen]: Wow.... you are about as widespread as me. :P

2005-06-11 [Dwemer]: i just want to help :)

2005-06-12 [Stephen]: Hey Pyro, what pets have you done? I'll add them to the list.

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